
Are Fashion Bloggers In Love With Themselves?

Hey all!  I'm moving up to Oregon for school and won't be active/have new content until Monday - see you all then!
The point of having a fashion blog is to show your readers your style and your opinions.  One could say that being a personal style blogger is extremely self obsessive, and I can see where they're coming from.  Posting pictures of yourself day after day can give off that vibe. So, are we obsessed with ourselves or just doing our jobs?

Thinking of making this my background for the blog. Thoughts?
I personally believe that we have to be confident in ourselves to have a fashion blog. For example, if the blogger in question is a personal fashion blogger, then it is his or her job to post themselves looking fashionable.  We have a target demographic and this demographic is interested in fashion that average people would wear.  And, if bloggers leave thoughtful comments, it builds a strong network of people who are interested in one another. This includes criticism, since having a fashion blog means getting judged.

That is in a perfect world, though.  Bloggers don't leave thoughtful comments all of the time, so it's difficult to build a relationship with a blogger who posts "nice shirt" and never returns.  But it certainly inflates our ego.  And, if self promotion pays off, people will follow your blog, which results in comments and pageviews.  Which, of course, inflates our ego even more.

It starts small.  Maybe GOMI will feature you for thinking you're the greatest thing because a fan knew who you were in public.  And you focus an entire post on yourself - not on clothing, fashion, or the person who approached you - but on yourself.  This may have been completely unintentional.  But talking about yourself all of the time comes across as self absorbed (whaaaa?). 

Then you start doing crazy things.  Like getting your twitter verified and publishing books full of content that a person could get from your blog.
(Slightly) Exaggerated to get the point across. 
This is all a snowball effect, but it happens to the best of us.  On a smaller scale, one could say we are self focused because it's our goal to promote our blog have it be through commenting or doing guest posts.

So, to answer the question "are we obsessed with ourselves or just doing our jobs?", I find that it takes a bit of the first to accomplish the "job", especially if the blogger is a personal style blogger. However, when our ego starts getting too inflated, the job becomes self promotion with fashion on the side.

So, do you guys think fashion bloggers are a little too obsessed with themselves? Do we forget that the point of blogging is fashion and not trying to get pageviews?

Thanks for reading!  Feel free to defend yourselves.

Edit: If this offends you, of course I'm sorry. I felt that this was something to bring up.  Many of the bigger bloggers have some sort of clique, which excludes regular bloggers (like me).  I feel that if they were more open to their audience and not so focused on themselves, we would have a stronger community.  In no way am I trying to offend my readers - I'm thankful for each of you! But as fashion bloggers, big or small, we run the risk of becoming self absorbed.  Do you know of any ways to prevent this?


  1. It all depends, I guess!
    But good point!

    Mr J.Kane

  2. I think it becomes increasingly difficult as a lot of "big" bloggers leverage themselves to create or maintain a brand. I totally agree that some self-promotion is necessary but some bloggers take it too far. Personally, I find it to be more of an attitude thing--there are really awesome ways to promote yourself without it coming off as self-involved: such as connecting what you are doing to what someone else is doing on their blog/site--that way it comes across as a community-building action. (ok I don't really have any authority to say this since my blog--in terms of numbers--is tiny and I am still navigating this space).


    P.S: like you asked in your comment on my blog, I wrote a follow-up to the First FNO plans post.

    1. Self promotion is necessary and there are ways to make it not so obvious, as you said. And your blog is wonderful and it'll be huge one day, so you do have the authority to say that since it's true. People don't want to follow others who don't actually give a crap about their blog - community building is the way to go.

  3. I think it's both. Yes, we're doing our "jobs" but we also have to be pretty into ourselves to post our pictures all over the internet. I'm ok with admitting that. You have to have a certain level on confidence to put yourself on a blog. However, I try my best to always make sure that the blog is about the clothes, and not me. I don't want internet strangers to know anything about my personal life besides the basics. A fashion blog should be about fashion. That's not to say that I don't enjoy reading heartfelt and personal stories from my fellow bloggers every once in a while, but I feel like those kinds of posts should be kept to a minimum on a style blog.

    And self promotion is necessary if you really want to put yourself out there. Yes the blog is about the fashion, but why write a blog if nobody looks at it? What purpose does that serve? Why spend all that time and effort?

    1. You are right about self promotion. I mean, I self promote. I want people to read my content, but there are ways to go about it that aren't so obvious. An example would be heartfelt comments v simple comments with your link. I'm going to click the name if it's a good comment and probably won't click the link if the comment sucks. I touched on this in my commenting article as well. I hope this makes sense!

  4. I think to those on the outside, it so so so appears that personal style bloggers are obsessed with themselves. (this is why I rarely let me friends or family see my blog). To those who are fashion bloggers, however, it is just comes with the territory. Clothes look better on than off, so the personal aspect is needed.

    Great post though, very thought provoking.

    xo Jamie

  5. beautiful and flawless skin!

    stop by for a visit,

    lydia from vintage2vogue


  6. I agree that some people are taking it too far, but we are all aware that most of the people are in this for the fame, the money through the numbers. And that sucks so much. Bloggers who are really inspiring, innovative and write educational posts and give us a different perspective on things are rare or non-existent. Everyone starts out creative, then they get caught up in stats, comments etc - the next thing you know, they shouldn't even bother writing anymore - their blog is exactly the same as any other blog on the www.
    Moving on, I also have a huge problem with shameless self promotion. Shouldn't leaving a comment be a constructive thing to do and expressing your thoughts on someone else's images, clothes, rather than just leaving your links that scream "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!" ?
    I've nothing against leaving links as long as they're attached to a meaningful sentence. If I'm intrigued by the comment, I'll deffs click on the link to check that blog and thank the person.
    I'm not even gonna go into verifying accounts and buying followers and such.
    All that's left for us to do is try our best to inspire and educate people, fight the windmills if you will. And hope that someday we might make a change.
    Great post by the way.


  7. I don't think people who are fashion bloggers are self absorbed. I think if you feel happy with the outfits you are wearing, the content you are publishing, then that's all that matters.

  8. haha i kinda agree with you. and many times i feel te same way too, it's like what the f am i dping, posting photos of myself and then people would give comments on how nice my shirt is or how cool my hair is? but anyway, not all bloggers are like that i think.

    Putri Soe

  9. I'm not a fashion blogger but I do agree with Bravoe Runway. Live and let live (as long as you're not hurting or harming others).

  10. I don't think I'm self-obsessed but I do think they are a lot of 'bigger' bloggers out there who are. I'm not hating on them though, if you're successful why not be proud of it - I'd get my Twitter verified if I could! ;)

    The Style Rawr!

  11. Some people actually mistaken my blog as a personal style blog! sometimes it really piss me off! xxx

  12. Hey, thanks for the sweet comment and for following me!
    I just followed you in facebook:) i am number 12:))

  13. Yes of course there are bloggers out there who are self-absorbed. Those types of people exist everywhere. But if you're doing what you love and not hurting anyone, I guess, why not. I think it's important to remember why you started the blog in the first place. Is it to be famous? Well then, self promote all you want. Is it just for fun? Well, then that's all that matters. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  14. Yes, there are fashion bloggers out there whose lives and blogs clearly revovle around themselves...and only themselves. Not a fan or follower of those! But there are plenty of people out there who are blogging because they enjoy sharing in a community of like-minded fashion-holics...or who just want to challenge themselves in their wardrobe and get advice...or who just enjoy the creative outlet and daily routine. I hate when people make snap judgments about me because I have a blog! So I try to give everybody a chance :)

    <3 Cambria

  15. I thought I commented on this :S maybe on Twitter? But I think that fashion blogging is great, you are sharing your personal style with the world... and it really helps a lot of people who are still learning/don't really know how exactly to put an outfit together, etc. Some blogs offer great tips on pairing things rather than constantly just putting up images... it's all good fun and I also find that generally, the blogging industyr is quite nice. People have been friendly to me about it for sure!

    HOWEVER there are always those people who take advantage of this. It's all up to the individual in the end, and where they want to see themselves. If it doesn't make sense for you to have a verified account, but you've always wanted to write a book, then stick to what YOU want to do and accomplish it! :)


  16. you're right!the negative sides about fashion blogger now is too much too "obsessive about themselves"
    I think a self promotion about asking to following back their blog to make them more famous,or something like that,makes a fashion blogger become so annoying, I mean "NOT ALL" of them have a good blogs about fashion or something..so, what's the benefit to following them??but I give them a chance to always follow back, we must have a heart to help them okay...hehe

    but for me, myself, I love fashion, but not to much! i won't spent my time buying the expensive Louboutin shoes or Zanotti, if I don't have any budget on it...just make it fun and simple,because we're not just live in the cyber world like this ;)

    seems fun to discuss this, thank you dear, you're so clever...admiring you a lot <3


  17. I think everyone is self-obsessed to some extend, the difference is just that with personal style blogs, you actually sort of "market" that self-obsession with the world surrounding you. Because let's face it, if you wouldn't like your hairstyle, your clothes, shoes, whatever people highlight on their personal style blogs and if you wouldn't think it is worth to show these/yourself to the world then you wouldn't have a blog like that. Of course there are different levels to it, some personal style bloggers can take criticism, and really just do it for the fun of posting outfits and communicating with people. Some other, and as you said a lot of them are the big names - well how did they get big, and do they still have that special something that they had before - are extremely focussed on themselves. And I personally stopped reading most of these blogs because I just couldn't bear another post in their style. And here I am coming to the conclusion that it's the style of promoting yourself and being in love with yourself that makes the difference, we all are but the way we show it sorts us into different categories.

    I actually posted something about this some time ago when I got really annoyed at the whole outfit post situation, that partly reasonates in what you say.


  18. Nah, I don't think fashion bloggers are too "into themselves". You're right, it's a job! And I think it's pretty inspiring how confident these women are!

  19. I definitely think that at times I get so absorbed with how many followers I have and how many pageviews I have I forget to have fun with my blog. Definitely trying to work on that!!


  20. I agree with what you said. I think sometimes people leave comments for the sake of leaving comments and never want to really build a relationship or friendship. I blog so that I can find friends who share the same interest as me but that barely happens. I'm lucky I found a new network which I joined and met amazing people who shared the same passion of eliminating social injustices in this world.

    I am not sure if this will interest you, but Ally may I invite you and your readers to this new Bloggers Against Social Injustice network where fashion bloggers come together to make this world a better place. If you are interested in building a friendship, you can email me or what so it's more on a personal touch. :D

    We are having a giveaway now!
    Check out how you can win a BASI bracelet here @BASI giveaway!

    Also, please stop by our
    Bloggers Against Social Injustice website to join in fun events, collaborations and play your part in making this world safe.

    Help those unheard voice be heard today. You are just a click away! :)

    Giveaway: BASI giveaway
    Website: http://bloggersagainstsocialinjustice.blogspot.com
    BASI Shop: Shop and Donate
    Facebook: Click here for our Facebook
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    I hope to see you there! :)
    Bloggers Against Social Injustice

  21. A lot of the fashion blogging community is corrupt. You can get literally hundreds of followers just from follow for follow, not because people actually want to read your blog. Everyone gets lots of vague comments where the commenter hasn't even read the blog post. Everyone wants to get famous, and fast.
    Dull, isn't it.
    The Undercover Dress-Up Lover x

    1. So true! I cannot STAND when people will comment on mine and say, follow each other? Nope, not doing it unless I'm actually a fan/supporter of your blog. That's the line fine line in blogging

  22. nice shirt.

    i'm kidding, i'm kidding!

    but i think it can definitely get to the head, but that can happen with any field. it just seems to be magnified when it happens in a field that involves people in the spotlight!
    i don't know much about the fashion blogging world (or the blogging world in general) but i do know that there definitely is some inflation in followers and comments like you mentioned with the "nice shirt" comments..i do think that there is still a strong enough community of people who do this because they enjoy it and want to inspire others, and i'm just constantly hoping that outweighs the other stuff!


  23. I don't, as a blogger myself, I know I'd much rather style a real model and talk about them the whole post instead of having just pictures of me. But you work with what you've got!



  24. Great post !

    Love your style and see you as such as good inspiration :) !

    I'm an instant follower of you now :)

    I'm working on a questions tag would you help me and leave a question for me ?:)

    Please feel free to check out my blog if you have the time



  25. Well said! I don't personally find that I'm in love with myself, but it's hard to post about your personal style without talking about it and taking pictures of it. There are definitely fashion/style bloggers out there that take themselves too seriously and are probably very much in love with themselves. But I just don't follow people like that because it gets old haha. As a whole I don't think fashion bloggers are self-absorbed though. I think other people think that when they don't like fashion in general. It seems like people who think others dress well because they just want to be noticed and whatnot tend to have the outlook that fashion bloggers must be really self absorbed. But it's just not true!

    Annnyyyway. I really love your articles and am now following you because you seem really cool! Hooray!

  26. Great post! I was thinking of the same today before posting pictures of me in an event I was invited. I started questioning 'Am I being to self center?' but eventually I came up with the conclution that No, asi you said, I feel confident enough to do it and be judged, and it's a way to return the favor to the people who invited me as press.

    Thanks to IFB I ended up here! Loved it!

  27. Oh wow I think this all of the time, I definitely had my doubts when I first started blogging. But then I realized that people did actually enjoy what I was putting out and found it inspiring, therefore, I no longer have that doubt. Beautifully written post =)

    xx Missy

  28. I think your posts are thought provoking and it's quite refreshing. Blogging has both positive and negative aspects. The positive of course as you mentioned is the potential relationships you can build with people and maybe new friends that can come up as a result. The other side is more or a downer for lack of a better word. I have seen bloggers that want to build a bigger fan base but never take the effort to reply to comments or interacts with their followers and those who are all: me me me.
    I couldn't agree more about the follow for follow trend that seems to be going around. I wonder what makes people so follower desperate they result to spamming people on sights like IFB just to get recognition. I'd rather my own minute number of followers that have thousands that don't give a crap about what I follow. I have however been that "too nice" commenter (in relation to your older post) for fear of being rude though I wasn't conscious I was doing it until now.

  29. I really like your articles. They give your readers something different to think about and respond to. Personally, I'm mostly inclined to agree that 70% of fashion bloggers give off the vibe that they are very self-absorbed. I prefer when fashion bloggers only post a few photos of them in their outfits without being too pose-y. I don't like when their facial expressions and body language is the center of the pictures. But other than that, there are some great fashion bloggers out there who are very creative with their pictures and outfits and it's very inspiring. :)

  30. I totally think a majority of style bloggers are self obsessed due to egos becoming inflated. I think it is important to stay grounded and not become wrapped up in page views and comments. Post good content and continue to give your readers what they like, inflated egos are a real turn off! x

    La Sugarlace Style & Beauty
